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February's Rotarian of the Month for Rotary District 5150

February's Rotarian of the Month for Rotary District 5150
PRANDI is proud to announce that our very own Christine Goodin, RMP has been named February’s Rotarian of the Month for Rotary District 5150! Congratulations Christine, this is quite an honor and we are so very proud of you! Christine has been a member of the Rotary Club of Terra Linda for just over five years.  Rotary District 5150 has 40 Rotary clubs (nearly 2000 Rotarians) in Marin, San Francisco and San Mateo counties. Thank you Christine, for demonstrating the importance of of Rotary International’s motto “Service Above Self” and Rotary’s theme for 2013 of “Peace through Service”.  For more information, please feel free to read more of Christine’s Rotary story here:   ***EXTRA NOTE: Can we extract only page 6 from this newsletter and use just that page? Maybe we can print/scan and create a link just for that one page?***Photo of CHRISTINE GOODINAn image of Rotary International Logo