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Video Tools | Vimeo!

Video Tools | Vimeo!
One of the tools I have been using the most since I started here at PRANDI Property Management is Vimeo. Vimeo is a website dedicated to the production of, sharing of, and inspiration by viewer-made videos. It's free (unless you want the upgraded services) and you are even able to subscribe to other filmmakers that you like, so you know when they post new videos. That is certainly a great way to make connections! Vimeo LogoWe use Vimeo here in the office to showcase some of our beautiful properties. We also use YouTube (YouTube IS the #2 search engine behind Google, after all), but with Vimeo you have more control. For example, the look and feel is much more customizable with Vimeo and you are able to tweak things like the size and color of the text and the dimensions of the player. After the movie plays, Vimeo takes you back to other videos YOU have made, unlike YouTube which redirects you to films that may have nothing to do with you/ your company. Vimeo prides itself on being user-friendly and encourages interaction with other Vimeo-users. The Frequently Asked Questions section is very accessible and has easy-to-follow instructions. Their "Vimeo Video School" is also pretty helpful in teaching users new things, or explaining how to make their experience on Vimeo even better. After you upload your videos into Vimeo, you can share your creation with friends, family, and anyone else who might want to watch it! Here at PRANDI, we also prefer Vimeo because of how easily it can be embedded into webpages. Not only are our videos on Vimeo's website, but on our PRANDI Property Management's website, as well as our Craigslist ads. Overall, Vimeo is a GREAT tool for advertising that we use quite frequently here in our office! For other great ways on how we market your vacancy, click here! -- Nikole McGuinness, Administrative Assistant